Monday, 6 February 2012

Week 2 Summary

On Monday 6th February, the following was covered:
The presentation can be found on the blackboard

- 'Old' Media and 'New' Media
(The differences in 'analogue' and 'digital' media, or 'traditional' and 'convergent' media)

- Introduction to the Internet
(Looking at the history of the Internet from 1960's to present day. Watched the following two links: and

- Modernism and Old Media
(Looking at the new media theories, introduced in the handout: Chapter 1: Digital Theory: theorizing New Media, authored by Glen Creeber, from the key text: 
Creeber, G. and Martin, R. (eds) (2009). Digital Cultures: Understanding New Media, Berkshire: Open University Press.

- New Media Glossary Challenge
(A 30-minute challenge to find one definition of a new media term)


- To complete the New Media glossary challenge. All details are given below. If any students have missed this, please email me and I will give you the word you need to research.

- To read the handout: Chapter 1: Digital Theory: theorizing New Media, authored by Glen Creeber, from the key text: Creeber, G. and Martin, R. (eds) (2009). Digital Cultures: Understanding New Media, Berkshire: Open University Press.

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