Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Week 3 Summary

On Monday 13th February the following was covered:
The presentation can be found on the blackboard

- Postmodernism and New Media 
(Looking at the new media theories, introduced in the handout: Chapter 1: Digital Theory: theorizing New Media, authored by Glen Creeber, from the key text: 
Creeber, G. and Martin, R. (eds) (2009). Digital Cultures: Understanding New Media, Berkshire: Open University Press.

Participatory Culture
(The differences between old media audiences (passive consumers) and new media audiences (active producers) and how this has created a participatory culture of active audiences)

Life in a Day, directed by Kevin MacDonald, 2010.
(The largest 'user-gernated' and 'crowdsourced' film made, using YouTube videos. This is a key example of the topic new media audiences being active producers, we discussed what this film presented and achieved in terms of a participatory culture).
This film can be watched online for free here: http://www.youtube.com/user/lifeinaday/experience


- To register your Second Life avatar name and explore Second Life for the first time. Please follow the guidelines provided below.

- To read the New Media Glossary: a user-generated glossary, edited by the students of MECS1008. (This will be available on the Blackboard)

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